Nicola Fabiano

You can download the full CV in PDF here

Curriculum vitae et studiorum

Contact information
First Name: Nicola
Last Name - Surname: FABIANO
Nationality: Italian

Main areas of expertise:

  • Qualified chartered Lawyer (Foggia Bar), entitled to represent clients before the Italian High Courts;
  • Data Protection and Privacy Professional - Data Governance - Cybersecurity - Artificial Intelligence - Digital Innovation, for activities performed also in education;
  • Knowledge of the following standards:
    • UNI CEI EN 17740:2024 “Requirements for professional profiles related to personal data processing and protection”;
    • UNI CEI EN 17799:2024 “Personal data protection requirements for processing operations”.
  • Knowledge of the following frameworks and schemes, among others:
    • AI competency framework for teachers (UNESCO);
    • Artificial intelligence and education and skills (OECD);
    • EU DigComp Framework (DigComp 2.2).
  • Member of United Nations University Artificial Intelligence Network (UNU AI Network);
  • Member of INNS (International Neural Network Society), the oldest association in AI;
  • Adjunct Professor at the University of Ostrava (Rome) on General and Health Legislation and Personal Data Protection;
  • Independent researcher on Artificial Intelligence - Ethics - Data Protection - Privacy;
  • Security Manager (ICT) | Information Security Management Systems Professional | Information Systems Consultant | System Administrator (Linux based OS - macOS);
  • Researcher in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Data Protection, Privacy, Cybersecurity;
  • Profile ORCID: 0000-0002-8188-7656.
  • Certified:
    • Data Protection Officer (DPO) - UNI 11697:2017;
    • Privacy Assessor - UNI 11697:2017;
    • SGSI professional - ISO/IEC 27021:2017;
    • Security Manager (ICT) - UNI 11506:2017;
    • ForHumanity “Foundations of Independent Audit of AI Systems”;
    • ForHumanity “Certified Auditor (FHCA) on the EU AI Act”;
    • ForHumanity “FH EU GDPR”;
    • Europrivacy Academy “Introductory Course v77”;
    • Europrivacy Academy “Implementation Course v77”;
    • Europrivacy Academy “Assessment Course v77”;

Professional Profile and work experience

Education and qualification

  • 11/12/1989 - Degree in Law, Top grade (magna cum laude) - University of Bari (Italy);
  • 27/03/1996 - Postgraduate Degree in Civil Law (Civil Law Specialist - Specialista in Diritto Civile), University of Camerino (Italy);
  • 2012 - Course Auditor / Lead Auditor ISO/IEC 27001;
  • 28-29/04/2014 - Masterclass on Societal Security - European project ASSERT, Bruxelles;
  • 2017 - Course on Data Protection and Privacy Rights (winner) promoted by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Italian Bar Council (Consiglio Nazionale Forense - CNF);
  • Winner of the course on Data Protection and Privacy Rights promoted by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Italian Bar Council (Consiglio Nazionale Forense - CNF), 2017;
  • Lecturer at the course for Data Protection Officer (DPO) organized by the National Forensic Council (CNF) and the National Council* of Engineers (CNI) under the patronage of the Data Protection Supervisor;
  • Passing the course for Data Protection Officer (DPO) organized by the National Forensic Council (CNF) and the National Council of Engineers (CNI) under the patronage of the Data Protection Supervisor, 2018.

Mentions and Awards

  • IEEE Working Group - Award for the contributions to the IEEE 7007-2021 Ontologies for Ethically Driven Robotics and Automation;
  • Award for delivering a great keynote address at a plenary session of “The 10th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2019”, March 12 - 15, 2019, Orlando, Florida, USA
  • Session’s Best Paper - Section Informatics and Cybernetics “Ethics and the Protection of Personal Data”, at “The 10th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2019”, March 12 - 15, 2019, Orlando, Florida, USA
  • Best paper“Blockchain and Data Protection: The Value of Personal Data” at “9th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC 2018)”, March 13-16 2018, Orlando, Florida, USA;
  • Awarded Paper “European Data Protection Regulation and the Blockchain Analysis of the Critical Issues and Possible Solution Proposals” presented at “The Tenth International Conference on Evolving Internet - INTERNET 2018”, June 24, 2018 to June 28, 2018 - Venice, Italy
  • Mentioned in the document “A Report on the State of PbD to the 33rd International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners” presented by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada, 2011;
  • Privacy by Design Ambassador, recognised by the Commissioner of Ontario, Dr Ann Cavoukian, to join a select group of privacy leaders recognised worldwide for their thought leadership, 2010;
  • Thank-you and congratulations letter from the General Consulate of Serbia Republic in Bari, 2008.

Past activities

  • 2018-2019 Member of the scientific committee and lecturer of the “Advanced Training Course on Personal Data Protection - Data Protection Officer (DPO)", organized by the Consiglio Nazionale Forense (CNF) (Italian National Bar) and the Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri - CNI (National Council of Engineers), under the patronage of the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Italian Data Protection Authority).
  • 2019 - Member of the Technical Committee of “The Eleventh International Conference on Evolving Internet” - INTERNET 2019, June 30, 2019 to July 4, 2019 - Rome, Italy;
  • 2018 - Member of the Technical Committee of “The Tenth International Conference on Evolving Internet” - INTERNET 2018, June 24, 2018 to June 28, 2018 - Venice, Italy;
  • 2017 - Member of the Technical Program Committee of the International Conference “IEEE Cyberscitech 2017” Orlando, USA, November 6-10, 2017;
  • 2012 - Member of EMG (Member of the External Member Group) of the European project BUTLER;
  • 2013 - Member of the Advisory board of the European BURBA Project;
  • 2007 - 2008 External expert and consultant for ADICONSUM (Italy) for the “EAST - Easy to Stop-it” project, running from January 2007 to December 2008, consists of a combined node for hotline and awareness-raising activities in Italy, aimed at guaranteeing a relevant increase of Internet safety for minors, both on the side of supporting the fight against illegal/harmful content and online crime (namely child pornography), and promoting a more responsible, positive and large use of the Web and the new ICTs by minors, thus involving all relevant stakeholders and strengthening synergies with national and EU policies/initiatives.
  • 2008 - 2009 External expert and consultant for ADICONSUM (Italy) for the Youth Protection Roundtable (YPRT), project funded in the framework of the Safer Internet Action Plan of the European Commission from November 2006 till April 2009. On April 3rd, the first international youth media protection conference took place in Berlin,
    It was the fifth meeting of the Youth Protection Roundtable - this time open to the public. The Youth Protection Roundtable will encourage a collaborative and cross-sector dialogue focusing on the optimal mix of effective technology-enhanced strategies on the one hand and education-based strategies on the other hand to enable youths - and responsible adults in the case of minors - for safe and secure use of the Internet.
  • 2009 - 2010 - External expert and consultant for ADICONSUM (Italy) for the “EAST2 - Easy to Stop-it” project, running from January 2009 to December 2010, consists of a combined node for hotline and awareness-raising activities in Italy, aimed at guaranteeing a relevant increase of Internet safety for minors, both on the side of supporting the fight against illegal/harmful content and online crime (namely child pornography), and promoting a more responsible, positive and large use of the Web and the new ICTs by minors, thus involving all relevant stakeholders and strengthening synergies with national and EU policies/initiative.
  • 2008 - 2010 - Member, on behalf of the Italian node, of the European social networking task force called from the European Commission, 2008 - 2010
  • 2008 - 2010 - Expert and Consultant of the ADICONSUM as part of the Italian node of the Safer Internet Programme Plus.



Speaking at events and conferences, interviews and activities:


  • 23/1/2024 - speaker at the “International conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems - APPIS 2024”, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, with the talk entitled “AI - Data Protection and Privacy - Some Legal Aspects Analysis between Europe and USA”.
  • 8/4/2024 - speaker at the event organized by AIGA with the talk entitled “AI, LLM and legal profiles Impacts on Data Protection, Privacy and Ethics”;
  • 25/4/2024 - speaker at the online event “Demystifying EU Act”;
  • 10/5/2024 - speaker at the event organised by the Civil Chamber of Foggia and the University of Foggia with the talk entitled “The new EU legislation on AI LLM and risks for Lawyers”;
  • 22/5/2024 - speaker at the online conference organised by the Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires with the talk entitled “Artificial Intelligence: the need for human and ethical supervision”;


  • 4/7/2023 - speaker at the International Workshop “AMALEA - Advances in Machine Learning” on “The AI Act and the impact on data protection and privacy domain”, Cetraro (Italy);
  • 13-14/6/2023 - speaker at “The 14th Annual Sedona Conference International Programme on Cross Border Data Transfers and Data Protection Laws” organized by The Sedona Conference, Valencia (Spain);
  • 1-2/6/2023 - speaker at the Annual Privacy Forum 2023, organized by ENISA (European Unione Agency for Cybersecurity), the European Commission, and Inria, presenting the paper entitled “A singular approach to address privacy issues by the Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)”, Lyon (France);
  • 19/5/2023 - speaker at the event of the European project “TRADATA 2 - Training of Lawyers on EU Data Protection Law” - on “Transfers of personal data to third countries”, Consiglio Nazionale Forense (CNF), Palermo (Italy);
  • 5/5/2023 - speaker at XXXIV National Congress AIP-ITCS on “Artificial intelligence in the service of data protection”, Cesena;
  • 17/4/2023 - speaker at the event of the European project “TRADATA 2 - Training of Lawyers on EU Data Protection Law” - on “Transfers of personal data to third countries”, Consiglio Nazionale Forense (CNF), Roma;
  • 24/1/2023 - speaker at the “International conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems - APPIS 2023”, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, paper “A singular approach to address privacy issues in AI by the Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO®)“;


  • 19/1/2022 - lecture on “Personal data transfers to third countries or international organizations” at the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland - Department of Innovative Technologies;
  • 16/2/2022 - lecture on “GDPR & Privacy: awareness and opportunities. Approaching with the Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)” at Labor Project Academy;
  • 6/4/2022 - moderator of the session “Privacy by Design in Practice” at the Privacy Symposium, Venice 2022;
  • 12/5/2022 - moderator of the international session “European digital sovereignty and innovation: impacts on data protection and privacy”, 8th ASSO DPO Congress, Milan;
  • 13/9/2022 - speaker at the International Workshop AMALEA (ADVANCES IN MACHINE LEARNING), Cetraro, Italy, September 12-16, 2022, talking on “A singula approach to address privacy issues in AI by the Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)”;
  • 30/9/2022 - speaker at the international event “TRADATA2 - Training of Lawyers on EU Data Protection Law” talking on “Transfers of personal data to third countries”, Rome.


  • 07/12/2021 - speaker at the event “The DPO Annual Conference”;
  • 13/10/2021 - speaker at the “Nuevo Ciclo de Conferencias 2021 organizado por la SAI (Sistemas Administrativos Inteligentes) - Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires - Centro de Estudios en Tecnologías Inteligentes”, talk entitled “Sistemi intelligenti tra etica e privacy: quali sfide?”
  • 29/07/2021 - speaker at ICRES 2021 - International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards - Special Session 2, New York, USA, 26-27 July 2021, talk entitled “Robots, Standards, Ethics and privacy: the coexistence in a legal perspective through the model DAPPREMO”;
  • 28/04/2021 - speaker at the webinar event entitled “Riflesioni in materia di data protection e e presentazione del volume “GDPR & Privacy. Consapevolezza e opportunità - L’approccio con il Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)”, organised by ASSODATA.
  • 25/03/2021 - speaker at the webinar event entitled “Tutela e protezione dei dati personali: l’Avvocato 4.0”, organised by the Matera Bar with the sponsorship of the FIIF (CNF), talk entitled “Autorità di controllo e nuove sfide”;
  • 10/03/2021 - speaker at the Plenary Session of “The 12th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2021”, talk entitled “The paradox of adequate privacy for minors on online digital platforms: waiting for Godot”, Orlando, USA;
  • 09/03/2021 - Moderator of the session entitled “Privacy and Cybersecurity” of “The 12th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2021”, Orlando, USA;
  • 28/01/2021 - speaker at the international event “European Data Privacy Day Webinar” organised by the Ozyegin University (Turkey);
  • 27/01/2021 - speaker at the event “Data Protection - Ieri oggi - domani” organised by UNIDPO e the Association Unione forense per la tutela dei diritti umani;


  • 10/12/2020 - speaker at the “2nd Scientific International Conference on CBRNe SICC Series 2020”, talk entitled “Artificial Intelligence and Facial recognition in an IoT ecosystem: the impact on data protection and privacy and the relevance of Ethics”;
  • 03/12/2020 - Interview - “Cessione dati personali in cambio di sconti online - Intervista all’Avv. Nicola Fabiano” -;
  • 30/11/2020 - speaker at the international webinar event “GDPR, privacy e il modello DAPPREMO: consapevolezza e sicurezza informatica”, organised by the CINFOR, Foggia Bar in cooperation with UNIDPO;
  • 22/10/2020 - speaker at the event “Privacy: orientarsi nell’evoluzione dei fenomeni”, organised by the Italian National Council Bar for the public presentationof the book entitled “GDPR & Privacy consapevolezza e opportunità. L’approccio con il Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)”;
  • 21/10/2020 - Interview for the annual Congress of ASSO DPO - Edition 2020;
  • 17/10/2020 - speaker at the public hearing with the Capitani Reggenti of the Republic of San Marino for the first public presentation of the book entitled “GDPR & Privacy consapevolezza e opportunità. L’approccio con il Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)”;
  • 09/10/2020 - speaker at the kick-off meeting of the course on the Protection of data and right to privacy - HELP Programme of the Council of Europe;
  • 28/09/2020 - Interview for Associazione Persone & Privacy - “Filo diretto con i Garanti” with Antonio Ciccia Messina;
  • 16/09/2020 - talk and social session for FIT4Privacy with Punit Bhatia - Live: Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO);
  • 30/06/2020 - Foreword to the book “Applied Approach to Privacy and Security for the Internet of Things” by Parag Chatterjee (National Technological University, Argentina & University of the Republic, Uruguay), Emmanuel Benoist (Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland) and Asoke Nath (St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata, India);
  • 28/06/2020 - Interview to San Marino RTV - Autorità Garante protezione dei dati San Marino: il bilancio del primo anno di attività;
  • 15/06/2020 - speaker at the online evento on “Le app di tracciamento: equilibrio tra scienza e diritti fondamentali”, organised by the POST - Museo della Scienza di Perugia - Digipass Umbria;
  • 21/05/2020 - Interview to Key4biz with Luigi Garofalo;
  • 08/05/2020 - speaker at the webinar “Contact tracing app: il quadro normativo europeo e la disciplina italiana”, organised by the CINFOR in cooperation with UNIDPO and Privacy Italia;
  • 23/04/2020 - speaker at the webinar “Contact tracing e privacy - Sovranità digitale europea senza etica”, organised by UNIDPO;
  • 09/04/2020 - Interview to FIT4Privacy with Punit Bhatia;
  • 17/03/2020 - Interview - Tecnologia, intelligenza artificiale e dati personali al tempo del coronavirus – intervista all’avv. Nicola Fabiano -;


  • speaker “International conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems, APPIS 2020”, 2020, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, paper “The value of personal data is the Data Protection and Privacy preliminary condition: synthetic human profiles on the web and ethics“;
  • speaker “International conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems, APPIS 2019”, 7-12/1/2019, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, paper “Robotics, Intelligent Systems, Ethics and Data Protection“;


  • speaker (virtual), “International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards ICRES 2018”, 20-21/08/2018, Troy, New York, USA, paper “Drones and Data Protection issues”;
  • speaker, “The Tenth International Conference on Evolving Internet” - INTERNET 2018, June 24, 2018 to June 28, 2018 - Venice, Italy;
  • speaker (virtual), “9th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics”, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 13-16, 2018;


  • speaker, “Internet of Things for the Global Community – IoTGC”, Funchal, Madeira Island, July 10th to 13th, 2017;
  • speaker, “2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings-2017)”, 21-23 June, Exeter, UK;
  • speaker, “13th Annual International Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science” - Athens Institute for education and research, 15-18 May 2017, Athens (Greece);
  • speaker, “The 1st International Conference on Internet of Things – Applications and Infrastructure” 19-20 April 2017 – Isfahan University (Iran);


  • speaker (paper sent), International conference on identification, information and knowledge in the internet of things IIKI, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 2013;


  • speaker, 12th Forum EXPO ICT Security, “Internet of Things: standard privacy attraverso la Privacy by Design”, Rome (Italy) 17/10/2012;
  • speaker, BUTLER EU project, 3rd Plenary meeting, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg 10/9/2012;
  • speaker (paper sent), First International Conference on Security of Internet of Things, AMRITA University, India August 2012;
  • speaker, workshop IoT Security and Privacy, “Internet of Things and Privacy by Design toward a standardisation process”, IoT Week 2012, Venezia 19/06/2012;


  • speaker, “The Internet of Things”, Council launch, «Legal issues» - IMAL Brussels 4/12/2009.



a) Authored/co-authored

  1. GDPR & Privacy. Consapevolezza e opportunità. L’approccio con il Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)”, with the Foreward by Wojciech. R. Wiewiórowski, Firenze, 2020 - ISBN 9788833634036;
  2. GDPR & Privacy. Awareness and opportunities. The approach with the Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)”, with the Foreward by Wojciech. R. Wiewiórowski, Firenze, 2020 - ISBN 9788833634074;
  3. GDPR & privacy: consapevolezza e opportunità. Analisi ragionata della protezione dei dati personali tra etica e cybersecurity”, with the Foreward by Giovanni Buttarelli, Firenze, 2019 - ISBN 978-88-3363-216-2, 2019;
  4. author of the chapter-book entitled “The value of personal data is the Data Protection and Privacy preliminary condition: synthetic human profiles on the web and ethics”, in APPIS 2020: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems, ACM, January 2020;
  5. author of the chapter-book entitled “Robotics, Big Data, Ethics and Data Protection: A Matter of Approach”, in “Robotics and Well-Being”, Springer, 2019;
  6. Il Processo Civile Telematico – Percorsi di approfondimento sulla giustizia digitale”, ISBN 9791220013185, 2016;
  7. “Dalla Posta elettronica alla PEC. L’evoluzione tecnologica dell’attività professionale”, ISBN 9788897164012, it, 2010.
  8. coauthor of the book entitled “Next Privacy”, edited by L. Bolognini, D. Fulco, P. Paganini, RCS Etas, 2010.
  9. coauthor of the book entitled “Il retratto successorio”, Bologna, Maggioli, 2009.
  10. coauthor of the book entitled “Obbligazioni e responsabilità civile”, Franceschetti – Fabiano – Pepe, Napoli, 1996.

b) Chapters and Contributions to edited collections

    • Book Chapter entitled “A Singular Approach to Address Privacy Issues by the Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)” (inproceedings), Booktitle: Privacy Technologies and Policy, Year: 2024, Editor: Rannenberg, Kai and Drogkaris, Prokopios and Lauradoux, Cédric, Pages: 166–181, Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland, Isbn: 978-3-031-61089-9;
  1. “Trasmissibilità del diritto di prelazione del coerede ex art. 732 c. c.”, in Esercitazioni di Istituzioni di diritto privato, a cura di Stefano Giove e Francesco Ruscello, Foggia, 1996


a) Scientific Journal articles

  • Co-Author of the article entitled “Blockchain e GDPR: verso un nuovo paradigma per la gestione dei dati personali e lo sviluppo di modelli di business innovativi”, in “Diritto ed economia dei mezzi di comunicazione”, numero 2/2024;
  • Paper entitled ‘AI Act and Large Language Models (LLMs): When critical issues and privacy impact require human and ethical oversight’;
  • paper entitled “IA e Privacy: l’approccIo con il modello DAPPREMO e le prossime sfIde”, in Rivista elettronica di Diritto, Economia, Management N. 3 - 2022 - Supplemento 1 - Intelligenza artificiale e nuove forme di discriminazione,
    atti del Convegno a cura di Maria Novella Campagnoli e Massimo Farina - pp. 73-84
    , ClioEdu, ISSN 2039-4926;
  • paper entitled “The approach with the Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)”, 2021, in “The Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: JSCI”, Volume 19 - Number 7 - Year 2021, pp. 1-19, ISSN: 1690-4524 (Online);
  • paper entitled “The approach with the Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)”, 2021, ArXiv;
  • article “Digital sovereignty between ‘accountability’ and the value of personal data” in Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ) - Volume 5, Issue 3, Page No 270-274, 2020, DOI: 10.25046/aj050335, 28/05/2020;
  • article “La soluzione italiana dell’app per il contact tracing. Il ‘toolbox’ ancora non dettagliato”, Key4biz, 6/05/2020;
  • article “Contact tracing and privacy: European digital sovereignty but without ethics”,, 20/04/2020;
  • article “Contact tracing e privacy in Europa, c’è la sovranità digitale ma manca l’etica”, Key4biz, 20/04/2020;
  • article “Coronavirus emergency and privacy: valid the juridical approach to the GDPR”,, 19/03/2020;
  • article “Coronavirus, app e privacy: valido l’approccio giuridico del GDPR”, Key4biz, 19/03/2020;
  • Paper “The value of personal data is the Data Protection and Privacy preliminary condition: synthetic human profiles on the web and ethics”, presented at APPIS 2020 (Applications of Intelligent Systems), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 8/1/2020;
  • article “La sovranità digitale tra accountability e valore del dato personale”, in Key4biz, 26/11/2019;
  • Co-author of the paper “Robotic Standard Development Life Cycle in Action”, 16/11/2019, Olszewska, J.I., Houghtaling, M., Goncalves, P.J.S. et al. Robotic Standard Development Life Cycle in Action. J Intell Robot Syst (2019).;
  • author “Il caso svedese. Riconoscimento facciale e dati biometrici, cosa dice il GDPR?”, in Key4biz, 02/09/2019;
  • Paper “The Meaning of ‘Accountability,’ ‘Responsibility’ and ‘Liability’ in the GDPR: Proposal for an Ontology”, presented at “The Eleventh International Conference on Evolving Internet – INTERNET 2019“, organized by the International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), 4/072019;
  • Paper “Ethics and the Protection of Personal Data”, presented at “The 10th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2019”, March 12 – 15, 2019, Orlando, Florida, USA;
    article “Nulla la notifica ad un indirizzo PEC diverso da quello presente nel RegInDE”, in Diritto24, 25/2/2019;
  • Paper “Robotics, Intelligent Systems, Ethics and Data Protection - The new challenge”,presentato alla International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems, APPIS 2019 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, organised by the University of Groningen e University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 7-9/1/2019;
  • article “Protezione dei dati personali in ambito ICT”, in Diritto24, 30/10/2018;
  • article “Nulla la notifica ad un indirizzo PEC diverso da quello presente nel RegInDE”, in Diritto24, 25/2/2019;
  • article “Protezione dei dati personali in ambito ICT”, in Diritto24, 30/10/2018;
  • Paper “Drones and Data Protection issues”, International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards ICRES 2018, Troy, New York, USA, 20-21/08/2018;
  • Paper “European Data Protection Regulation and the Blockchain Analysis of the Critical Issues and Possible Solution Proposals” - ”The Tenth International Conference on Evolving Internet” - INTERNET 2018, June 24, 2018 to June 28, 2018 - Venice, Italy, 24/6/2018;
  • Paper “Blockchain and data protection: the value of personal data” - 9th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics, Orlando, Florida, USA, 13-16/3/2018;
  • Paper “Internet of Things, Blockchain and Intelligent Systems: the primary role of Data Protection“ - “1st International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems, APPIS 2018” - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, organised by the University of Groningen e University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 10-12/1/2018;
  • Paper “Robotics, Big Data, Ethics and data protection: a matter of approach”, International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards ICRES 2017, Lisbona, Portugal, 20-21/10/2017 ;
  • Paper “Internet of Things and data protection: the challenge for a privacy standard. A common legal framework for privacy” - “International Conference in Engineering Applications - Internet of Things for the Global Community – IoTGC” - Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal, 21-23 July, organised by the University of Madeira (UMa) e Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI), 21-23/7/2017;
  • Paper “Internet of Things and Blockchain: legal issues and privacy. The challenge for a privacy standard” - “10th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings-2017)”, Exeter, Devon, UK, 21-23 June 2017;
  • Paper “IoT e protezione dei dati personali tra Big Data, protezione dei dati personali e AI” – “Digital Society: le regole di oggi, il diritto di domain”, Camera dei Deputati - Sala del Refettorio Palazzo San Macuto - Via del Seminario, 76 - 19/5/2017;
  • Paper “Internet of Things and the Legal Issues related to the Data Protection Law according to the new European General Data Protection Regulation” – “13th Annual International Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science” - Athens Insitute for education and research, 15-18 May 2017, Atene (Greece), 15-18/5/2017;
  • Paper “Internet of Things and data protection: the challenge for a privacy standards” – “The 1st International Conference on Internet of Things – Applications and Infrastructure” 19-20 April 2017 – Isfahan University (Iran);
  • «Pubblicazione di sentenze e protezione dei dati personali: qual è l’interesse preminente ?», in Diritto24, 7/6/2016;
  • «PCT: nuove specifiche tecniche per le attestazioni di conformità», in Diritto24, 11/1/2016;
  • «La PEC: rilevanza ed effetti nel PCT», in Diritto24, 5/11/2015;
  • «DL 83/2015 - PCT e il nuovo intervento del legislatore; l’esigenza di norme uniformi e strutturate sta aspettando Godot», in Diritto24, 7/7/2015;
  • «Il PCT e il mancato deposito delle “copie di cortesia” giustificano una condanna ex art. 96 c.p.c.?», in Diritto24, 19/2/2015;
  • «PCT: stato dell’arte e prossime scadenze», in Diritto24, 9/1/2015;
  • «Privacy e PCT», in Diritto24, 10/11/2014;
  • «Il D.L. 90/2014 e le novità in materia di PCT», in Diritto24, 27/6/2014;
  • «Il deposito e il rispetto dei termini nel processo civile telematico», in 24Ore Avvocato, numero 7-8/2014;
  • «La privacy e lo studio legale: parla l’esperto», in Diritto24, 5/6/2014;
  • «Cassazione: rituale la comunicazione effettuata in cancelleria e non a mezzo PEC se antecedente all’1/1/2012», in Diritto24, 15/5/2014;
  • «Comunicazioni di cancelleria a mezzo PEC: nulle se manca l’allegato», in Diritto24, 24/3/2014;
  • «PCT: il termine delle ore 14 per il deposito non è vincolante», in Diritto24, 20/3/2014;
  • «The European Commission’s proposed general data protection regulation and the potential effects on the Italian law», interview for Nymity, november, 2013;
  • «The Internet of Things: establishing privacy standards through Privacy by Design», in Cutter IT Journal, 2013;
  • «Videosorveglianza dei propri figli nell’asilo nido tramite webcam», in Sicurezza e Giustizia, III, 2013;
  • «PEC, in scadenza l’obbligo di comunicazione per le imprese individuali», in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 24/06/2013;
  • «Le nuove regole per le notifiche a mezzo PEC», in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 17/05/2013;
  • «INI-PEC, al via il pubblico elenco», in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 17/04/2013;
  • «PEC: obbligo anche per professionisti e imprese non iscritti ad albi e RI», in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 14/02/2013;
  • “Novità in arrivo anche per la PEC”, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 2/01/2013;
  • “Novità sulla PEC: istituito l’indice nazionale degli indirizzi PEC (INI-PEC)”, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 9/10/2012;
  • “La PEC si arricchisce con l’identificazione del titolare”, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 4/6/2012;
  • “Pubblicità comportamentale e privacy: il principio del consenso informato”, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 11/4/2012;
  • “Riconoscimento facciale e privacy in Europa: il parere dell’Art. 29WP”, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 10/4/2012;
  • “L’obbligo di comunicazione della PEC all’Ordine professionale”, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 2/4/2012;
  • “Profili tecnico-giuridici e paternità degli allegati”, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 29/3/2012;
  • “Trasferimento dei dati all’estero, OK alle BCR “omologate””, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 28/3/2012;
  • “La PEC non è uguale per tutti”, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 13/3/2012;
  • “Gratuito patrocinio: il ricorso per cassazione è inammissibile e va proposto alla Corte d’Appello”, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 12/3/2012;
  • “Un po’ di chiarezza sulla comunicazione della casella di PEC al registro delle imprese”, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 9/3/2012;
  • “Telecomunicazioni: sicurezza e integrità delle reti e dei servizi”, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 28/2/2012;
  • “Commissione UE, “nuova” privacy senza compromessi”, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 20/2/2012;
  • “In GU il decreto semplificazioni”, in Il Quotidiano IPSOA, 13/2/2012;
  • “Legal analysis of the new proposed EU regulation on data protection”, IAPP, febbraio 2012;
  • “Riduzione degli oneri burocratici concernenti la normativa sulla privacy”, in Sicurezza e Giustizia, IV, 2011, 38.
  • “Applicazione del “CAD” con limitazioni alla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri”, in Sicurezza e Giustizia, II, 2011, 26.
  • “Cloud computing: principali profili giuridici”, in Sicurezza e Giustizia, I, April, 2011;
  • “Do not call! Italy adopts new telemarketing rules”, in International Report - Privacy Laws & Business, issue nr. 109, February 2011;
  • “Privacy: where are we going on? What will be the privacy future?”, in Iusandbit, 2011;
  • “La privacy sta cambiando? Dalle Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) alla Privacy by Design (PbD)”, in “Diritto, Economia e Tecnologie della Privacy”, Anno I, numero unico, 2010;
  • co-author of the paper “How to shop safely online“, ENISA, ISBN-13 978-92-9204-050-5, 2010;
  • “e-commerce e tutela del consumatore la giurisdizione nei rapporti transfrontalieri”, Diritto e Processo, 2010;
    “Privacy by Design. Evoluzione e privacy 3.0”, Diritto e Processo, 2010;
  • co-author of thepaper “Online as soon as it happens”, ENISA, ISBN-13 978-92-9204-036-9, 2010;
  • “Diritto e Processo Dossier n. 10/2010: L’inadempimento. Natura e rimedi nell’applicazione giurisprudenziale”, Diritto e Processo, 2010;
  • PEC e identità elettronica: concetti assolutamente diversi”, Altalex, 2009;
  • PEC: il legislatore ripensa all’”analogo indirizzo” che è, tuttavia, privo d’identità”, Altalex, 2009;
  • PEC gratuita per tutti i cittadini.Imprese e professionisti attendono ancora l’alternativa alla PEC”, Altalex, 2009;
  • “La PEC: un falso problema digitale”, Diritto & Diritti (, 2009
  • “PEC per i cittadini. Imprese e professionisti stanno “aspettando Godot””, Diritto & Diritti (, 2009;
  • PEC: il legislatore italiano la rende obbligatoria per professionisti ed imprese”, Altalex, 2009;
  • “Social Network: pronti i principi elaborati a livello europeo”, Diritto & Diritti (, 2009;
  • “Ancora sulla PEC: il legislatore italiano ci ripensa ?”, Diritto & Diritti (, 2009;
  • PEC, dematerializzazione e firma digitale: verso quale approdo ?”, Altalex, 2008;
  • “Ruolo del certificatore europeo e firme elettroniche. Certificati qualificati tra contesto nazionale e mercato interno comunitario: interoperabilità e globalizzazione”, Diritto dell’internet, nr. 6/2008;
  • Firme elettroniche e servizi del mercato interno: quali prospettive ?”, Altalex, 2008;
  • “Qual è la rilevanza giuridica della firma elettronica ?”, RDEGNT ‐ Rivista di Diritto, Economia e Gestione delle Nuove Tecnologie, fasc. 4 (ott.-dic. 2007), 412;
  • La posta elettronica certificata: qual è la reale portata giuridica ?”, Altalex, 2008;

b) Case comments

  • “Procedure concorsuali e rilevanza giuridica dell’email”, nota a TAR Lazio, Roma, Sez. III quater, 12 febbraio 2008, n. 1229, in Diritto dell’internet, n. 3/2008
  • “Prelazione e retratto nella dinamica dell’art. 732: una fattispecie a formazione progressiva”, in Foro it., 1996, I, 1014, nota a Cassazione del 6 settembre 1994, n. 7666
  • “Diritto di prelazione del coerede e sua presunta intrasmissibilità”, in Rass. dir. civ., 1995, fascicolo 2, 422 e segg., nota a Corte di Cassazione del 22 ottobre 1992, n. 11551
  • “Contratto di divisione e azione revocatoria”, in Giur. it., 1995, I, 2, 127 e segg., nota a Tribunale di Roma del 22 marzo 1994
  • Case note on Pretura di Benevento del 7/7/1994, in Riv. Giur. del Molise e del Sannio, 1994, fascicolo 3, pag. 23 e segg.
  • Case note on Tribunale di Benevento del 15/1/1994, in Riv. Giur. del Molise e del Sannio, 1994, fascicolo 2, pag. 1 e segg.
  • Case note on Corte di Cassazione, S.U. del 5 agosto 1992, n. 9282, in Foro it., 1993, I, 1544 e segg.
  • Case note on Tribunale di Piacenza del 15 marzo 1990, in Foro it., 1991, I, 636 e segg.

Participation in courses and conferences

  • Course in “Informatics and law” (Informatica applicata al diritto), Camerino University, 1993
  • Conferences “European private law” (Diritto privato comunitario), Camerino University, 1995
  • Course in “The reform of the civil litigation. The insurance code” (La riforma del processo civile. Il codice delle assicurazioni), Bar of Foggia and Bar of Lucera, 2006
  • Conferences in “European private law” (Diritto privato comunitario), Camerino University, 2007
  • Conference in “The fixed-term contract in the public and private system” (Il contratto a termine tra pubblico e privato), Foggia, 2007
  • Conferences in “Civil law and Internet” (Diritto civile ed internet), Foggia University and Bar of Foggia, 2008
  • Conference in “The translatio iudicii” (La translatio iudicii), Foggia University and Salerno University, 2008
  • Conference in “Risarcimento del danno nei confronti della pubblica amministrazione e riparto di giurisdizione”, Foggia University and Salerno University, 2008
  • Conference in “La strumentalità della misura cautelare nei processi civile e amministrativo”, Foggia University and Salerno University, 2008
  • Conference, “Time management ed esercizio della professione forense”, Centro Studi Avv. Giovanni Scillitani, Foggia, 2008
  • Roundtable discussion on “Online Data Collection, Targeting and Profiling”, European Commission – DG-SANCO, Brussels, 31 March 2009
  • European Consumer Summit, European Commission – DG-SANCO, Brussels, 1-2 April 2009
  • Conference, “Personal data - more use, more protection?” - European Commission, Brussels, 2009


  • Italian: mother tongue
  • English: fluent